Why are fiction books more entertaining than non-fiction books?

Alperen Oğuz
4 min readJun 19, 2019


Do fiction books let you survive in highly populated world?

Well I think the right question might be vary on different aspects of looking at life..

But I think to give this question a real answer first we should google this question..

So we don’t get a good satisfying answer in google…

when we ask this question..

because it is way conflicting and also necessarily need specific experts to come up with short-answer..

However; We know for a fact that non-fiction is a good start when you start reading it helps your brain to get more endorphin and serotonin to let you keep continuously read and read…

enough with biologic perspective right..

It’s funny like I know much about it… I cheated my biology subject during high school times lol..

whatever let’s not confuse our topic what we were saying

why fictions are more enjoyable more fun more entertaining more absorbing more charming more enjoyable more pleasent…👀✌

well for the rest of the adjective words for different synonyms you can check this link😂.

Ok that’s enough seriously..

giving a lot of intellectual joke is not amusing..

The fiction books are more fun to read because it gives us freedom to just not think about the real world for once in our highly busy lifestyles..

I suppose giving the facts that we generally enjoy more mystical or magical approaches when you modify inputs or outputs different types of scenarios more than realistic scenarios..

this pops up to my mind why would any Hollywood movie make so much money or any novel fiction book make so much money over non fiction book or non fiction movie??

Because our perception is programmed that path I guess..

Ok let’s just skip this question and answer the next question..

Do fiction books let you survive in highly populated world?

No because..

There are 7.7 billion people currently living in this earth..

but let’s be realistic should we?

let’s say that people who were lucky to be born in developed countries have more chance to outcompete in other developing or undeveloped countries..

so let’s just count them..

so its estimated around like 1.2 billior or even more so that you have to play zero sum game..

which is way hard to do that..

that’s why I think major takeaway I suppose we should all consider reading non-fiction books have more leverage and advantage despite it lacks amusement and enjoyment..

I would definitely put my money on a guy who reads non-fiction books..

So my main point was to demoralize you a bit so you can start reading books right now..

If knowledge is power, then reading is your SUPERpower.

The average person reads only 2 books a year.

The average CEO, on the other hand, reads 4–6 books a MONTH. The verdict?

Leaders are readers.

An author has decades of experience written in a book, which means that you can download decades of knowledge (and experience) in just a few days.

The average book is about 64,000 words a day.

The average person reads about 200 words per minute.

On average, it takes 320 minutes to get through a book. 320 minutes divided by 7 (days in a week) equals only 45 minutes of reading a day.

Let’s reiterate. You only need to read for 45 minutes a day.

There’s one more secret, though — you must be sure to schedule this time and take this goal seriously.

When scheduling your reading time, make sure that you schedule it during times of the day that you are awake and alert.

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