The game I played or get played..
Does anyone have close to 20,000 hours in a single game?
I have played full non-stop 20.000 hours, 833 days, 119.04762 weeks, 27.379070 months, AND 2.2815892 years in a MMORPG game called “Tibia”.
This game either ruined my life or give me my main purpose of living…

Before beginning my words I want to adjust some of my perspective on this particular specific subject that I relate to…
I have to say playing and spending a lot of effort, time, and money in one game could be useful or destructively damageable.
However; If we were to evaluate this in optimistic perspective I will definitely say this…
1. Games are not boring and enjoyable anecdotes.
2. Games are relatively have better analogies than old school education books.
3. Games are the new adventurous education paradigm If we look at it in the right aspects.
4. Games can reflect on us very several ways both pleasing and unpleasing.
5. Lucky games are really excellent If your game ends up branding in e-sports competition game.
Ok lets take now the terrible ones
1. Games make you paranoid and depressed
2. Games keep you in maintain within a black-hole
3. Games assures you it is your best friend, family member among your homo-sapiens surroundings.
4. Games creates a weird dogma that cannot be introverted in materialistic real life.
5. Games either your enemy or your friend, there is no neutral stabilized situation. It can become the worst habit like a drug or alcohol addict.
Yes I could be an outlier If I would have interest on different subjects but I think I still have some time to prove my potential.
Let’s see how that goes…
Why would I spent €10.000 in a bad graphical outdated stupid game?

I started playing this game in 2004. My older brother friend referred we should all play this game its fun. In the first place, I was very critically judgmental why would you play this game even had less quality graphic than “Mario” and “Sonic” in gameboys. Then by watching my older brother playing it and getting used of it. I found myself I was addicted to this game. I did not study at all during my elementary school, middle or junior high school, high school, and in University.
Tibia is one of the oldest MMORPG and was the most successful MMORPGs back in the day. Funny fact; Game was launched in January 7 1997. When I was not even born.
I have to tell you though I was a good player not to brag or whatsoever..
I created and innovated strategies no one had ever witnessed..
These type of strategies and tactics you have invented from a MMORPG game, you had learned, taught, executed can also be implemented in real life.
Still today, I am the one of the richest Tibia player in the game although I spent €10,000..
Back in the days, I was interested to this game like a sociopath..
I was dreaming in my sleeps and imagining every possible outcomes for example How If my team takes positioning in two-steps backwards and take out their main functioning hardcore guys..
This game is fundamentally created very different aspects of looking life and I am grateful that I spent €10.000.
If I would give this amount of money to get a college-degree of some random college where I compete with the same people who learns and adjust themselves with strategies, tactics, datas, creativity.
I would not able to have this mind…
Do you believe in coincidences?
Yes, I do believe in fact I can show you why I am believing…
in 2007, I broke my left ankle bone foot while I was ice skating and showing off to a girl my talented not trained moves How I tried to impress her was really impulsive..
Anyways, I fell down the funny fact her father was around that ice-skating place he was the one who took me to the hospital. I went to surgery right away without knowing my doctor..
The surgery was said successful. However; In long term period I noticed It was not at all. I realized my left leg is 2.8 cm shorter than my right leg. I was insensibly walking like a crippled and a disabled guy.
I went to radiology. I was wondering and decided to take a look early in 2019 how my left leg and leg foot is doing.
and the outcome was impressively shocked me. Regardless, I was actually careless what to outcome would be either good or bad but seeing and witnessing something like this I would not ever think or consider that would have happened and occurred in where I would imagine at my life on and spend time on.
Same again, God surprised me again..
After all, there was a tibia bone in our legs..

The radiology report was;
The distal localization of the medial malleol in the distal part of the tibia is due to old trauma. In this localization, there is slight irregularity in the contour of the tibial joint on the side of the talus.
Well, Life is GG before we even started playing or acting on it.