Existence and Solitude
Why do we even exist? Why are we lonely but still not accept it?

Why do we even exist?
“The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain.”
Lord Byron
The reason why human being exist is a very rigid question I guess no one briefly can answer this question at one simplicity. I condemn myself for writing what I am going to be writing right now. Not only I don’t think I am capable at the point which I should not stand fully confident on writing what is already written and simplified for human beings. Diverse people who put in countless efforts, energies, and time who have better understanding than me. Those intellect people who perfectly contributed their legacy to humanity. It is insanity to one extent after what I have experienced and tasted from all of my life time. I as (Alperen Oguz) 22 years old. Who is constantly changing pros or cons on my views, morals, values, ideologies, philosophies, principles, physically and most importantly my spiritual being If there is any. I am going to share what my narrow thoughts and emotions allow on this particular difficult questions as a stuck person between generation y and generation z.
In retrospective, I can give you thousands or even millions metaphors If we go back in our past and examine, analyse, and objectify on what is already out there in free internet environment which any individual curiously can look up and search about evolution of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) to extend this Biology, Physics, Math, Chemistry, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Laws, Wars, Strategy, Energies, Theories, Religions.
For instance I realize we are fortuitous here, If we are breathing in fresh air as lucky born individuals that should be the only truth that should satisfy all of our wishes. Statistically, our chance to exist is 400 trillion to 1. Therefore we should be grateful to a god, gods or evolution of creatures existence If I might elaborate this life is all about evolution in a repeated cycle we consciously or unconsciously follow and lead within this loop in different aspects of multiverse reality.
To what end, we will never know what ends because it continually changes and evolves…
Universe is expanding but are we?
Why are we lonely but still not accept it?

“We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.”
Orson Welles
Loneliness is a blessing
However, there is a contradiction between being lonely and miserable and being lonely and changing forwards. I did not even consider this in my mind at anytime. What or How I will explain … is a simple fact that our generation lacks from it. Impatiently, well let’s come up to the point already. As for any one else as an individual being alone and living it in an isolated way is the scariest and most lunatic act to portray in our society. I am surely not agreeing on this. There are geniuses, high IQ people who lived their some of the most important productive and efficient lives alone. Why did they do that? I suppose they did that because they wanted to explore their true identity and potential at best and at any cruel cost.
- Being lonely creates enormous time process for what to focus and take accountability in your life and move on.
- Controlling what is the best for you is inevitably impeccable.
- It is the right time, you will realize being truthful to yourself is the most significant value you can adjust to yourself.
- You will have chance to maintain in harder problems more than usual.
- Last but not least, you will create your own future and reflect your fully independent being.
Now, I know it’s not always this easy. Loneliness can be crippling. If you’re really struggling to get past the bad parts of loneliness, help is everywhere. But, I wrote this to shine a light on the good parts of being in solitude, and I hope I was able to explain to you my way of channeling loneliness into something more than just feelings of sorrow. Remember always “Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” Enjoy your solitude.